About Us


For over 20 years this beautiful, iconic building on Lime Tree Walk lay derelict and unloved.

An historic warehouse, right in the heart of Sevenoaks, which has been transformed into a stunning coworking space. A unique venue with loads of natural light, high ceilings and striking architectural features.

Our aim was to create a local work community - an office without the politics - offering the flexibility to utilise a hot desk, take a dedicated desk / private office or book a meeting room, event, or workshop.

This is us - we are sisters! Sandie (curly hair) and Cathy (not curly hair).

Sandie’s background is in meetings and events and Cathy’s is in interior design, which means we have very different skillsets and like to think this makes us a pretty good team.

We always talked about working together and the pandemic gave us both the opportunity to reassess what we were doing and realise our dream of working together.

The change in the working landscape is what led us to coworking and the creation of LIME TREE WORK SHOP.


“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”

— Helen Keller